The Fifth Volume of
Heroes is already ended yesterday. The heroes has captured the
villain once again when Samuel was captured by Peter and Noah but of course with the help with the other good guys. Samuel was trying to destroy the world by releasing his power but he was suppressed by Peter when he obtain Samuel's ability.
Because they already know the master plan of
Samuel they moved away to lessen Samuel's peter but it was to late to run even if they try hard as they could. But it was a perfect time when Hero and Ando arrived at the area. To evacuate the people fast, Ando charged up Hero to amplify his power so he could teleport everybody away from Samuel.
After then Samuel became powerless as an ordinary person and became so easy for them to capture.
The media came over the place trying to investigate what really happen. Noah speaks nothing to them but Claire courageously spoke in front of them and she demonstrated who she is by jumping from one of the ferris wheel.
At the end, everybody feels relieved when they had stopped Samuel and also it was that time that
Sylar feels very happy, from inside, for the first time after he save Emma from Samuel. He could not explain why he feels that way but he one thing he is sure of, to feels like being a hero is a good thing.
And with that, they are now facing "
The New Brave World". The next volume of